Austin Fast-Type!

 David Austin, dba

​​Eliminate Time-Stealing Go-Backs

It is office science
Long ago I was told most people fail to use built-in features.  
Auto Correct (MS Word) or QuickCorrect (WP)
The most underused feature is "auto correct" for difficult words and mistake-prone boy-I'm-tired typing.  Simply, you tell AutoCorrect to change a unique abbreviation, like ttss, into Tennessee (use something logical to you) when you hit the space bar.  You will never have to type it again.  Add repeated phrases, words you constantly mistype, words that should be capitalized, hyphenated or include apostrophes.  Legal citations, too.
Getting there
Getting to AutoCorrect is tedius and MS Word has made it worse in new versions.  Set a hot-key if you can.  However, the aggravation is worth it to save hours retyping the same difficult words.


You get more done while physically working less.  No more stopping to go back and correct errors, a notorious time-taker.  My record speed was the equivalent of 200 words per minute while only typing about 60. You will be much less drained at the end of the day.
As For Me?
I can type as fast as you talk, accurately.

A few of my tedious words and phrases are:
yykk    =    you know    

yymm    =    Yes, ma'am.    
pptt    =    physical therapist
pyn    =    physician
ddrr    =    Dr. [name]
appt    =    appointment
wwkk    =    We acknowledge and thank you 
ccww    =    Civil War
ttss    =    Tennessee
cckk    =    City of Kingsport
This has saved me typing "Yes, ma'am" 50 times in one transcript!  
Frequently mistyped or abbreviated words: 
ayn    =    any
whta    =    want
when    =    when
tihs    =    this
dont    =    don't
ive    =    I've
wsa    =    was
cant    =    can't
nashville    =    Nashville